Friday, October 9, 2009


ERNESTO "CHE" GUEVARA Was Born on February, 1928 in Buenos Aires, Argentina, at Two Years old He Developed Asthma from which He Suffered all His Life primary Education at Home, Mostly By His Mother, CELIA DELA SERNA, He early became a voracious reader of MARX, ENGELS, and FREUD which all were Available in His Father's Library. Yet although His Parents, Notably His Mother were Anti-Peronist(Argentine President JUAN PERON) Activist. He took no Part in Revolutionary student movements and showed little interest at Buenos Aires University, Where He Studied Medicine in 1949. He Made the First of His Long Journeys, exploring Northern Argentina on a Bicycle, and for the first time coming into contact with the very poor and Remnants of the INDIAN TRIBES. He Qualified Specializing in Dermatology, and went to Guatemala, where He lived with HILDA GADEA, who Forwarded His Political education and introduced Him to NOCO LOPEZ, One of FIDEL CASTRO'S Lieutenants. On September, 1954, GUEVARA went to Mexico City where He worked in General Hospital. HILDA GADEA and NICO LOPEZ Joined Him and He met and was charmed bu RAUL and FIDEL CASTRO and Realized that FIDEL He had Found the Leader He was seeking.
He Joined Other CASTRO Followers at the Farm where the SPANISH REPUBLICAN ARMY was Giving the CUBAN REVOLUTIONARIES a tough Commando course of Proffessional Training in Guerilla Warfare. Bayo drew not only on His Own Epenses but also on the Guerilla teachings of MAO TSE-TONG, and CHE became His Star Pupil.

In Memory of 42nd Death Anniversary of CHE GUEVARA(OCTOBER 9, 1967)

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