Sunday, October 18, 2009

The Last apparition

In The Midst of the Carnage of World War 1, A Series of Apparitions Began on May 13, 1917, in Central Portugal. Three peasant Children - LUCIA DOS SANTOS and Her two Cousins, FRANCISCO and JACINTA - claimed to have seen a vision of "A Lady Brighter than the Sun" standing in a cloud above an evergreen tree. The Lady asked the three children to Return to the same place near their village on the 13th day of each Month until October. When the Lady promised to reveal Her identity and explain what She wanted from the People. On October 13, 1917, the Last of the Apparitions at FATIMA, a strange event ocured. The Pree called it "The Miracle of the Dancing Sun" Even some hardcore skeptics among the Reporters present said they saw the Sun dance in the sky, appear to move closer to the earth, and Finally settle back in Place.
During that Last Apparitions, The Lady told the three children that She was "Our Lady of the Rosary" She asked the Children to pray the rosary each day. The Lady told them to inform the local Church authorities to bulid a church in the place of the Apparitions.
A Long careful investigation began in 1922 and concluded in 1930, after which the Local church authorities approved the increasingly popular devotions to "Our Lady of Fatima" Later the Pope designated May 13 as a feast day in Honor of Our Lady of Fatima for Entire Catholic Church.

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